R$ 5,19
Dólar Dólar

Taxa de câmbio: US$ 1,00

Compras Paraguai R$ 5,19
Compras Paraguai G$ 7380
Compras Paraguai $ 1.120,00

Whey SYNTHA-6 BNS 2.91LB (1.32KG)

Disponível desde 01 de Março de 2016

Última listagem em 19 de Maio de 2024

Logo Jack Center
(2 opiniões da loja)

código: #70242


US$ 44,00
Preço em real R$ 228,36
Preço em peso argentino $ 49.280,00

* Os preços e a disponibilidade estão
sujeitos a alterações sem aviso prévio.

SYNTHA-6® is an ultra-premium protein powder with 22g protein per serving and is BSN®'s best-tasting protein on the market. SYNTHA-6® not only includes essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, but is also an excellent source of fiber, which makes it a nutritious and multi-functional protein supplement. SYNTHA-6® is the go-to protein for any nutrition or exercise regimen because it is designed to suit a variety of active lifestyles and diet plans. And with SYNTHA-6®, the high standard of quality protein comes with taste to match, thanks to BSN®'s exclusive flavor technology.
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